AL JAWAB UL BAHIR-The Out Standing Answer on Visiting the grave

The Outstanding Answer On Visiting The Grav,es’deals with the important subject of travelling to other than the three Masjids in Makkah, Masjid- un-Nabawy in Madinah and Baytul Maq$ftpalestine) in order to visit the graves of Prophets and Saints. Elhis boolCisWn: fact a discourse which Shaykh al-lslam wrote to A1-Nasir, the Sultan of his time, clarifying his position on this controversial subject. It was his position which his enemies later distorted and utilised as a means to have him imprisoned in Damuscus, wherein he remained until his death in the year 721 A.H. Moreover, Taqiyudin As-Subki wrote a book entitled ‘Shifa as-Siqam’ in which he tried to refute Ibn Taymiyah by authenticating some weak and fabricated . Hafiz Ibn Abdil narrations on the virtues of visiting the grave of the Prophet Hadi, one of Ibn Taymiyah’s foremost students, refuted As-Subki in his ‘Sarim A1-Munki’ and excerpts of his refutation are also included in this publication detailing As-Subki’s gross misrepresentation of the truth. Recommended Retail Price: EIO 9 780955 M 26147 GUJRANWALA Umm-ul-Qura Publications AUTHOR: By Shaykh-ul-lsläm Ibn Taymiyah


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