The Beard and other Traits of Fitrah

Islām is the sublime religion that the Most Wise  revealed for our good in all our affairs. By neglecting some parts of it, even if they are small, we deprive ourselves from some of its beauty. Allāh commands us to adhere to Islām in its totality:
«O you who believe! Enter into Islām completely, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Verily, he is to you a clear enemy.» [Al-Baqarah 2:208]
The purpose of this series (Enter into Islām Completely) is to present some unfairly belittled issues, demonstrate their importance, and discuss their regulations. We may only achieve guidance and prosperity through correcting our apparent deeds by complete adherence to the Sunnah, and correcting our hearts by piety and sincerity to Alläh. May He grant us guidance and facilitation.


PUBLISHERS: AL-Kitab & as-Sunnah Publishing
ISBN: 189122991-5

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