


Change is not an easy and insignificant issue. It needs a deep insight and vision as much as will and determination. It is important here to realize that we can’t achieve all what we want and desire. Furthermore, getting what need and desire may not always be in our interest. This, of course, requires two things from us: First: realize the limits of our potentials [and capabilities] in a good way. For instance, the person who is fifty years old can’t play on an international football team. Similarly, a person who is in his sixties can’t memorize poetry in the same capacity as the twenty years old person. Second: we should always aim to make what we desire to achieve within the domain of legal and moderate scope. In case of confusion or if we feel short-sighted, we should seek refuge with Allah, the Almighty, seek His [guidance] and assistance, then we should be satisfied and happy with what He grants us in terms of good and success. I will attempt through this treatise to break this hard equation by presenting top, deep and practical ideas in an easy method that would be understood by the youth without much difficulties.

  • YEAR 2014
  • ISBN 978-967-5699-51

In case of confusion or if we feel short-sighted, we should seek refuge with Allah, the Almighty, seek His [guidance] and assistance, then we should be satisfied and happy with what He grants us in terms of good and success.


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