
Life is a Fading Shadow is a very enlightening booklet concerning the life of this world. This world is nothing but a passageway. About this fact here are the opinions of our Salaf.Ali described this life in these words:”Its allowed aspects lead to being reckoned and its forbidden aspects lead to the Fire.”A1-Hasan said:”O son of Adam! Life is only days, so if your day passes, your life becomes shorter.” A1-Hasan A1-Basri said about this life:”I am amazed at those who were ordered to take provisions (fear from Allah) and were told that the journey will commence soon (to theHereafter), yet they play.”

  • YEAR : 1999
  • ISBN 997/5990/29/7

Life is a Fading Shadow is a very enlightening booklet concerning the life of this world. This world is nothing but a passageway. About this fact here are the opinions of our Salaf. Ali described this life in these words: “Its allowed aspects lead to being reckoned and its forbidden aspects lead to the Fire.” A1-Hasan said: “O son of Adam! Life is only days, so if your day passes, your life becomes shorter.” A1-Hasan A1-Basri said about this life: “I am amazed at those who were ordered to take provisions (fear from Allah) and were told that the journey will commence soon (to the Hereafter), yet they play.”


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