
The first edition of an important publication of A. S. Noordeen new ‘Contemporary Medical Issues in lslamic Jurisprudence’ is in your hand. Qazi Muiahidul Islam Qasmi, the great lslamic scholar of {present time, compiled and edited this book. This 200 paged book has
on two themes, namely ’Transp|antation of Organs’ and Birth Control with respectively 4 and 12 papers contributed by learned schola_rs_ of lndia. The Appendix of the book contains Resolutions of the pertaining seminars.
The late scholar has dealt with the need of new lslamic insights on the emerging issues and briefly expounds the methods of lslamic Jurisprudence in the modern age. He also introduces the contribution of the experts of lslamic jurisgrudence in the field of lslamic guidance and
justifies holding of Fiqh seminars, one of the products of which being the present book.
ln Section A four papers and sundiy opinions of leading Ulama have been included in the section, respectively titled as ‘Transplantation of Human Organs’, ‘Transplantation oi Organs in the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah’, ‘Grafting of Human Organs’ and ‘Transplantation of
Organs: The lssue of Human Dignity’. The contributors have variously argued in favour and against the modern technology of transplantation of organs and have thus collectively discussed the issue from all possible angles.
The Section B deals with the issue of Birth Control from the lslamic  viewpoint. Twelve papers have been included in this section, which make an interesting reading on such aspects of birth control as conjugal rights, lslamic practice of birth control, spacing of issues, rights of foetus,
abortion, responsibilities of the Muslim doctors, etc. The list of contribu tors is impressive and ensure that perspective of various schools of thought have been taken into consideration.
This book makes and interesting and illuminating reading for medical practitioners and lslamic scholars alike and helps them develop an lslamic perspective on firm foundation.


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