Internet has become an indispensable part of human dail)’ a°’tl”me5- It allows le to communicate with others, whether the person is down the street, next door, or on the other side of the globe. The use of lntenet to conduct online transaction has been increasing. Unless they encounter some difficulties, people pay veiy little attention as to wether the e-business they are going into is valid. This book intends to fill the vacuity of a comprehensive study on e-business. It covers not only the view of the common law but also the perspective Of Islamic law-
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nik Ahmad Kama] Nik Mahmud Dean, Faculty of Law, International Islamic University.
“This well-researched work would provide any individuals with usefull guidelines and information on the validity and enforceability of their transactions via the Internet. The work does not only comparatively examine the relevant issues relating to e-business under the existing provisions of the Malaysian Law, International Law and Common Law, but it also analyzes them from the Islamic perspective. The query is not whether it is permissible or otherwise to get involved in online transaction. What really matters is to see whether the Shariah sanctions e-business, as every aspect of a Muslim’s activity is guided by the divine
law. This work provides the answer to this



El is_a lecturer at Cyberlaw Center, Faculty of Management, Multimedia Umversity Malaysia. She was awarded “Overall Best LLB Student in 1998” and had completed her Master of e-Laws with outanding achievement from International Islalmic inivrsity malaysia  She spent mos t of her young age studying Shariah at Darumajah a prominent Islamic Boarding school.

Dr. A. Mohaimin AyusADB Consultant/Advisor, Faculty of Shariah and Law,
Maldives College of Higher Education, Republic of Maldives.
(Formerly an Associate Professor and the Dean,Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia)

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