About this Book

At a time when many people are attempting to relate current events and trends in the world to interpretations of prophecies contained in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Revelations and the writings of Nostrodamus and the predictions of fashion- able clairvoyants and astrologers, the author does much the same — but by referring to some of the prophecies which are contained in the Qur’an and in the recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Dajjal, the AntiChrist is not simply a catalogue of such prophecies — nor is it concerned with analysing specific events in the context of these prophecies. In viewing life in general in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the book is not merely a ‘religious’ critique of an aimless and ignorant society. Rather, it examines and compares the outward existential behaviours, along with their inward psychological realities, of both those who do not base their way of life on prophetic guidance — and of those who do. Reviews: “Definitely a thought provoker … ” “If you never read another book, read this one … ” “Written by a respected Muslim author, “Dajjal, the Antichrist” is a new and revised edition of his earlier book “Dajjal, the king who has no clothes”. The word “Dajjal” is meaningless to most people outside the Muslim or Arab community, but this work deals with changes and events on a global scale which are currently familiar to everyone. “Dajjal” can be understood as synonymous with “Novus Ordo Seclorum” — the New Order of the Ages.

  • ISBN 1-897940-38-9
  • Published bY: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd Unit 4, Ihe Windsor Centre Windsor Grove, West Norwood London SE27 9NT, United Kingdom

Not every reader will be interested in reading the enthusiastic recommendations of Islam, as an alternative to the Dajjal lifestyle, which are offered at regular intervals in the text. All who read this book will be enthralled by the striking comparisons drawn between the direction of modern international affairs and the ancient Muslim prophecy of the end of the world. Present-day observations clearly resemble very specific signs, which Muslims believe will immediately precede and forewarn the arrival of the anti-Christ and the advent of Judgement Day. This is essential reading for anyone concerned about the important contemporary issues of globalization and capitalism, and the book should not be overlooked by readers interested in the New World Order conspiracy theory or end-times prophecies.” — Tim Acheson


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