
ESSENTIAL READINGS IN ISLAMIC FINANCE “I have no doubt that “Essential Readings in Islamic Finance” will be a very useful source for lay readers, accountants, businessnwn, scholars, bankers, finance professionals, acadenlicians, researchers and regulåtors in the area o/ Islamic finance:Tun Abdul Hamid Bin Haji Mohamad Former Chief Justice Federal Court of Malaysia


“I’ve exajnined ‘nan.)’ books on Islamic finance, but this book is truly refreshing as it takes (a) stakeholder approach on the topic by (b) acconll)lished professionals (c) contributing chapters while (d) providing a glinzpse on ihe road ahead in Islantic finance. I would hope this book will address the knowledge-base bottleneck in the growth and development of Islanzic finance. ” A Rushdi Siddiqui Global Director Islamic Finance Thomson Reuters, USA “The editors have contributed to and compiled a comprehen,sive voltnne of papers that address many of the key issues in Islantic Finance today. Students and practitioners alike will benefit fronl reading this inwressive compilation. ” Daud Vicary Abdullah Chairman Global Islamic Finance Group, Deloitte


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