
A Global and Islamic Perspective Leading a strategically focused school in practical isn’t that easy due to the needs of mastering the strategic leadership skills. However, based on literature, Strategic Leadership in Education is a learnable for every educational leadership fraternity. Therefore, this small book ofTers what strategic leadership characteristics are exactly important to the school leaders. This book contains ten chapters with the theoretical background is discussed and outlined in first chapter. In pursuance are nine more chapters where each and every individual chapter are discussing on every dimension of strategic leadership in education theory. … Organisational Capability: strategic orientation of leadership Organisational Capability: strategic translation of leadership Organisational Capability:strategic alignment of leadership Organisational Capability: strategic intervention and interaction point of leadership Organisational Capability: strategic competence of leadership Individual characteristics of leadership: restlessness Individual characteristics of leadership: absorptive Individual characteristics of leadership: adaptive Individual characteristics of leadership: leadership wisdom In the appendix, attached a paper of a study in strategic leadership in education that strengthened the theory as well as enriching the present literature. Discover and explore your strategic leadership potential in this important book.

  • ISBN:9 789674 184353

THE AUTHOR Professor Dr. Hairuddin bin Mohd Ali obtained his professional teacher qualification (Cert. Ed.) in 1972 and Bachelor of Economics (Hons.) from UKM in 1979. Starting from a subject teacher, he was promoted to Deputy Principal and finally as a School Principal in 1992 to 1994. Then he secured a scholarship and pursue his study and qualified for a Master of Science (Management) from UJUM. Since then he was assigned as educational management and leadership lecturer in Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB), Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOEM). In JAB, he was given several important tasks and responsibilities to lead several teams for the MOEM such as Oversea Training for Cluster School Principals and Educational Leaders. He was once represented IAB and MOEM to deal with the educational leaders fronl King’s College London (KCL) about the possibility of sending several groups of Malaysian school principals to undergo short course over there. While in JAB, Dr. Hairuddin managed to qualify his PhD (Service Marketing). His last and final post in JAB before leaving for IIUM was as Head of Centre, The Centre for Mentoring and Consultancy. While in IIUJM, Dr. Hairuddin was promoted to Associate Professor, Head of Department, The Department of Social Foundation and Educational Leadership and finally promoted to a full professor in May 16. His area of interest in II UM are “Educational Management and Leadership, Strategic Management and Leadership in Education, Quality Management in Education and Marketing Management” His academic works are in theform of academic articles for journals, academic books and book sections other than research.


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