
A Literacy Histrory Of the Arabs

  • Author: R.A. Nicholson
  • PUBLISHED BY: Adam Publisher & Distributors

ISLAMIC POETRY & MYSTICUSM R.A. NICHOLSON R.A. Nicholson is a renowned Personality in the sphere of authentic writings, he lectured in the magnificent university of Cambridge, has written dynamic literary book, i.e., studies in Islamic Poetry which discusses the Islamic Stylish Poetry. The book is treasure of the poems on the topics of life and death, human society and culture,philosophy, religion and ascitcism. The work discusses on the excellency of the poetry, poetic art, ethomogical meaning of Shi’r, first poet, the loving poems of Sultans, Kings, Amirs, Vizirs, intellectuals & religious leaders. Demy 8vo pp 250 250/-

A CRITICAL APPBECIATION OF ARABIC MYSTICAL POETRY Dr. Sal-I. Nadeem This book is one of the best manifestations over the pages of religious, social, political and temporal studies of mysticism from pre-lslamic era upto the modern time of knowledge. And the book throws light on the companions of the Holy Prophet, (P.B.U.H.) Rabia and her contemporaries, A1-Jonaid, A1 Hallaj, A1-Ghazali Shahrazoir, Abdul Qadir Jilani, Suharwardi, Ibnul Arabi, Sirhindi and others upto the present age respectively. Demy 8vo pp xxvi+264 250/- STUDIES IN MUSLIM PHILOSOPHY Prof. Saeed Shaikh The excellent work of the author is the deepest study of the Muslim Philosphy & the pages of the book deal with the logical thoughts of sufis of different times, i.e., Mutazilism, Asharism, Sufism and Ikyan al-Safa their thoughts and styles of mysticism are the central points of study of Muslims thought. Demy 8vo pp 250 150/- Adam Publishers & Distributors 1542, Pataudi House, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-2 (India)


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