HISTORY AND SCIENCES OF THE QUR’AN illustrates the historical background of the Qur’än and then explains principles, sources and methods of interpretation for true understanding of the message of God-the Creator in the Text. In addition to referring to early original Islamic sources, it also compares with discourses- of Orientalists, wherever necessary, to dispel doubts and skepticism on the Qur’än and its history, generated by them. It complements other works in the field and is hoped to serve as an alternative reference to the works of Orientalists on history and sciences of the Qur’än. This book comprises 17 chapters. It begins with a brief bibliographical survey of the Muslim legacy in sciences of the Qur’än, followed by a discussion on its names, vocabulary and language. It discusses the phenomenon of Wall)’ including its possibility, revelation of the •Qur’än and its wisdom, and the Textual purity and authenticity. The classification of the Text;iQtglMakkan and Madinan revelations, the Textual order, division and names of the analysed. The relevance of asbäb al-nuzül, revelation of the Qur’än in of Naskh, and Mutikam and Mutashäbih passages are studied with! clarity. The literary style of the Qur’än- and its inimitable ellipticism, methodologies of the exegesis, early exegetical education, issues in translation of t the Text, and the need for contemporary understanding of the Qur’än are studied and analysed.

  • ISBN 978-967-418-292-2

THAMEEM USHAMA is a Professor at the Department of U*ül al-Din and Comparative Religion, International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) where he has been teaching since 1985. He specializes in Contemporary Islamic Thought. He received his Ph.D from Aligarh Muslim University, India. Currently, he is Head of the Department of Usül al-Din and Comparative Religion. He is the author of five books: Hasan al- Bannä: Vision and Mission, Methodologies of the Qur ‘änic Exegesis, Sciences of the Qur ‘cin: An Analytical Study, Issues’ in the Study of the Qur’än, and Sayyid Qu!b: Between Reform and Revolution. He also edited two books: Islamic Revealed Knowledge: Dimensions of Thought, and Islamic Thought and its Contemporary Relevance. He has presented papers in several national and international conferences, and published articles in refereed journals.


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