IN His Grand Plan Allah created this universe with all components to plant man on earth to Exhibit His Glories, but do we know who Allah is? Although religion had always been one, as God is surely One, why do we then worship a plethora of gods? Most people are not even willing to hear why and whom they actually worship, though they unwittingly worship Prophets and pious men, angels and jinns turned into gods! Man, the super creature, has however forgotten that he is always confronted with his sworn enemy, the outcast Shayatan, offended and promised-bound showing his foul games seem fair to him to take all save but a few of them to hell where death will come to each “from every side while yet he cannot die” and would cry: “Would that I were dust!” But the fortunate few who enter paradise will receive a stately welcome: “Behold! The garden before you! Ye have been made its inheritors for your deeds (ofrighteousness).” Can we not all treat Shayatan as an enemy who indeed will admit his foul games only on the Judgement-Day? The guilty sent to hell would then hang their heads before their Lord and say: ‘Our Lord! We have now seen and heard, so send us back; we will do right, now we are sure.” The material benefits earned here are too small compared with those ofthe Paradise of Immortality where even the last pec9 entering it would inherit a world ten times bigger than this earth with at least lovely maidens, called hoops, whose hair is made of clove with intense black-irises of their eyes and intense white scleras, with the earthly wives made their queen: if one of them spit on salty seas that would immediately turn its water into honey. Although science is spread throughout the book, a full Chapter devoted to science in the Qur’an speaks how Allah created this universe with His Command ‘Be’ (kun) and administers, placed underlying peg-like hidden roots deeply-embedded in the ground reaching several times their elevations to stop its tremor created while revolving and firmed it for our habitation, and how the saline water sucked out desalted is driven to descend on the five continents for men and animals, growth of corn and vegetables, flora and fauna. The clarified milk we drink is a wonder in that we could not ourselves do this issued from betwixt the refuse and the blood. The nectar the bee collects recalls our attention to Allah’s providence for creation and to his guidance to humans as a part of it and warns unbelievers in that guidance ofa folly in rejecting it as great as it would be the rejection offood and drink. To Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) had already reached the news of an expanding universe 1400 years ago what scientists now call their most imposing discovery of science today. The Qur’an speaks the truth. Read and think What the QUR ‘AN Says?

  • ISBN 983-065-134-7

Born in 1938, Dhaka. Mohammad H. R. Talukdar after doing his Masters in History from Rajshahi University in 1959 joined the Central Institute of Islamic Research in Karachi as a Research Fellow. In early 1975, he joined the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute wherefrom he retired in mid-1995 as a Senior Government servant. Meanwhile, for a short time, he also taught and worked as Agriculture and BRAC Consultant. Author of several books we recently published his The Message of Allah. ‘ Has it Reachedallflumans that received wide appreciation. This is his second book we published. Mr Talukdar is doing his independent research on Islam.


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