Freedom of Expression in Islam
In recent years the subject of freedom of expression in Islam has become a topic of heated debate. Prof Mohammad Hashim Karnali’s Freedom of Expression in Islam offers the first and only detailed presentation in English of freedom of expression from both the legal and the moral perspectives of Islam. This is a pioneering work which provides a detailed examination of the affirmative evidence on the subject of freedom of expression found in the sources of the Sharitali, as well as considering the limitations, whether moral, legal or theological that Islam imposes on the valid exercise of this freedom. In particular, the sophisticated and detailed treatment of the concepts of freedom to express an opinion(burriyyar al-raty), freedom to criticize (urriyat al-mWarada). freedom of religion al-diniyya) is an important contribution to scholarship in this area of study. Freedom of Expression in Islam is informative not only on the subject of the possibilities of freedom of expression within Islam, but also on the cultural tradition of Islam and its guidelines on social behaviour. Distinguished by its clarity and readability.•this book is not only essential reading for anyone interested in Islamic law. in Muslim society or in issues of comparative jurisprudence. but is also an important contribution to the current debate concerning the definition and limits of the principle of free speech. Suitable for undergraduate and post-graduate courses in Islamic Studies, Comparative Jurisprudence and Political Theory. Dr Mohammad Hashim Karnali is a Professor of Law at the International Islamic University Malaysia where he has been teaching Islamic law and jurisprudence since 1985. Among his other works is Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1991).



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