Islamic architecture is a misunderstood subject Quite often, as elementary and even trivial
themes as defining Islamic architecture, the relationship between Muslim and Islamic
architecture. and the prospect of existence of un-lslamic architectural expressions hijack the
entire intellectual discourses on Islamic architecture. This is so despite the fact that Islamic
architecture existed since the dawn Of Islamic culture and civilization approximately fourteen
centuries ago. Islamic architecture, more often than not. was the most recognizable feature of
that cultural and civilizational consciousness, serving at once as its face and epitome. Some of
the reasons behind such misunderstandings could be due to the absence of a comprehensive and
appropriate theory of Islamic architecture.
This book intends to fill somewhat the glaring intellectual gap in the sphere of authentic
Islamic architecture. It provides a theoretical or philosophical framework for studying and
teaching Islamic architecture on the basis of some of the most authentic sources Of Islamic
scholarship. Against the backdrop of such a broad framework, various Islamic architecture
themes and dimensions could be more accurately studied and understood. The book is also
envisaged as an invitation to other researchers and scholars from across the spectrum of
especially Islamic scholarship to embark on similar undertakings and do justice to the
fascinating phenomenon of Islamic architecture, enriching in the process academic
communities and their libraries.
The book is divided into seven chapters. Each chapter represents an individual study on a
vital subject relating to the theoretical and epistemological foundation Of Islamic architecture.
Those chapters are as follows:
I. Ihe Qur’an and Sunnah as a conceptual foundation of Islamic architecture;
2. The form and function of the Prophet’s Mosque during the time of the Prophet (pbuh);
3. God as the only Creator. some implications for conceptualizing Islamic architecture;
4. A conceptual framework for sustainability in Islamic architecture;
5. Rationalizing the permissibility Of mosque decoration;
6. Towards an Islamization of housing and housing education;
7. A1-Wasatiyyah and Islamic built environment.
DR. SPAHIC OMER. an award-winning author, is an Associate Professor at the Kulliyyah of
Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
(IIUM). He studied in Bosnia, Egypt. and Malaysia. In the year 2000, he obtained his PhD from
the University of Malaya in the field of Islamic history and civilization. His research interests
cover Islamic history. culture, and civilization, as well as the history and theory of Islamic built

  • ISBN 978-967-491-003-7


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