A collection of 40 Hadith (sayings) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) focusing on the notion of social justice in Islam.
1. The Gravity of Injustice in Islam
2. God is More Capable Than Us
3. From the Scrolls of Ibrahim
4. To Seek or Not to Seek Leadership
5. We Will be Asked About Our Potential
6. A Word of Truth in the Face of an Oppressor
7. The Ruling on Silence and Injustice
8. The Right to Food, Water and Shelter
9. Responding to Evil with Good
10. Everybody Else Does It
11. The Comprehensiveness of Tatfeef (short-changing)
12. Whoever Deceives is Not From Us
13. Corrupt Lawyers and Unserved Justice
14. Elitist Privilige
15. Building a Coalition of Justice: The Fiqh of Hilf al-Fadool
16. A Show of Strength
17. Finding and Channeling Your Righteous Anger
18. The Rights of the Neighbour
19. The Definition, Categorisation and Prohibition of Torture in Islam
20. Prophetic Guidance on Work Conditions and Employee Treatment
21. The Characteristics of a Pious Employee
22. Greed – The Root of all Social Injustice
23. Why is Usury (riba) Prohibited?
24. Insurance Companies and Vulnerable Citizens: The Concept of Uncertainty (gharar) in Islam
25. Justice Between Parents and Children
26. The Sin of Favouritism: Be Just with Your Children
27. How Rights Work in Marriage
28. The Rights of Extended Family
29. The Rights of Elderly Within Society
30. Islam’s Positions on Slavery
31. Islamic Ethics Regarding Asylum, Refugees and Migration
32. Racism, Supremacism and True Patriotism
33. Stereotyping and Collective Guilt
34. Gender Equity in Islam – Regard for Women
35. How the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Treated Those with Mental Illness, Disabilities and Special Needs
36. Doctors of the Prophet ﷺ and Islam’s History of Healthcare
37. When Animals Indict Humans for Cruelty
38. Environmentalism
39. Without Justice, There Can Be No Peace
40. Gradual Change versus Radical Reform
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