A Commentary on al-Äjrümiyyah A bilingual rendition of Muhammad Mubi al-Din ibn tAbd al-Hamid’s (d. 1393h) renowned commentary on Ibn Äjurüm’s (d. 723h) primer entitled al-Tuhfat al-Saniyyah bi Sharlp al-Muqadimmat al-Äjrümiyyah.

‘Umar bin al-Khattäb said, “Learn the Arabic language, it will
produce intellect and increase you in respectable behaviour.” [Shu ‘ab
al-rmän of al-Bayhaqi, 1551]

Ibn Hazm said, “Anyone who seeks knowledge of nahw and the Arabic language with the intention ofimplementing the Shariah and
understanding the Words of Allah, the Most High, and the words of
His Prophet, and to have a broader understanding of the religion;
then this person will have a great reward and a lofty status by which
he will not be surpassed by anyone.” [Rasä’il ibn Hazm 3/162]
A1-Suyüti said, “Those who explained this book (al-Äjrümiyyah),
such as al-Maküdi, al-Räi and others, have described its author as
being an imäm in nahw, and possessing many blessings and benefits.
An example of this is his Muqadimmah which has been extremely
beneficial for beginners in studying nabw.” [Bugyat al-Wu ‘ät fi Tabaqät
al-Lughawiyin wa al-Nubät 1/238]

Ibn 1:1äj said, “Proof that this book is beneficial is that Allah has
given it acceptance, to the extent that this has become the very first
book (for beginners) that is studied prior to the commencement of
reading the Qurün al-Agim. This Muqadimmah will give you benefits
and understanding in the shortest time possible.” [al-Taliqätu
al-Jaliyyatu ‘alä al-Äjrümiyyah, p. 43]
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