This book., inspired by Tun Mahathir Removing War as Institution ohamad – Malaysia’s fourth Prime inister -and his work on Criminalizing War and Energizing eace, explores criminalization in Parts I and II, and building peace y removing war causes and removing war as an institution in arts ill and IV. Irene Galtung is the author of Part II on jus cogens, rika Degortes of the history-oriented Summary and Conclusion n abolition in general, and Malvin Gattinger (data) and Naakow Grant-Hayford (text) on the geography of Power Resources in the Octagon World.

AUTHORS :Johan Gattung,  Erika Degortes.  Dr. Irene Galtung , Malvin Gattiager,


Johan Gattung, dr lx mutt, professor of peace studies born 1930 in Oslo, founder of Transcend ional, has published more 150 books mostly on peace and mediated in more than 150 conflicts, 2014-15 visit-ing professor at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

Erika Degortes, born in Sassari (Italy), in 1978, is the director of Transcend Peace University. Graduated in Poltxal Philosophy at the University of Cagliari, she is a Peace Researcher and a lecturer and consultant for Institutions and Organizations. Since 2011, she is the co-founder and co-director of for Peace Theory and Peace Practxe.
Dr. Irene Galtung is a lawyer, working on the nght to food and safe drinking water. She gradu-ated from Cambridge University (BA, Honors). She holds PhD m Law horn the European University Institute (EUI)

Malvin Gattiager, born 1988, graduated in Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of ,Marburg, Germany, in 2012. He then obtained a Master of Soma. in Logic at the Institute for logic, Language and Computation in Amsterdam, Netherlands. where he is currently a PhD candidate working on eptstemic logic and model checking. He is also the webmaster of TRANSCEND International and the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice. Naakow Grant-Hayford, born in 1980. graduated in Political Science from the University of Matins Germany in 2008. He is currently enrolled in a Master of Arts for African Studies at the University of Basel, Switzerland. He has been a regional convenor for Africa for TRANSCEND-International since 2008. In 2011, he co-founded the Galtung-Insutut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice of which he is the current director.


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