
Perhaps, the most popular word which means God that is most repeated at any moment in time is the word Allah. Daily, this Arabic Name of God is being mentioned countless of times by more than a billion people coming from various ethnic groups and religions. Allah is the Arabic word for ”the God” and is derived from an old Semitic word. Among the Canaanites, God was known as El. This name is preserved in Hebrew names as lsra-El, Beth-El and lshma-El. Most Arabic-speaking Eastern Christian and Jewish communities living in Muslim countries use the name Allah for God. The word Allah has entered numerous other languages of the world, regardless of whether the majority of their speakers are Muslims (like the Malaysian and Indonesian languages) or not (like the Spanish and Portuguese languages).
To the ears of the Believer, the Names of the Attributes of Allah are beautiful when recited aloud or otherwise. Even when they are being mentioned in a silent manner, they have a soothing sound to the reciter. When written in calligraphic form, these Names become among the most beautiful of Islamic art forms

  • lSBN 978-983~437l0~2A9

The word Allah has entered numerous other languages of the world, regardless of whether the majority of their speakers are Muslims (like the Malaysian and Indonesian languages) or not (like the Spanish and Portuguese languages).
To the ears of the Believer, the Names of the Attributes of Allah are beautiful when recited aloud or otherwise. Even when they are being mentioned in a silent manner, they have a soothing sound to the reciter. When written in calligraphic form, these Names become among the most beautiful of Islamic art forms


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