
Trade Law and Environmental Law have always been hot issues at both local and international conferences. This is because they not only deal with hard economic but also man as a human being. Because human issues are involved, policies on enviromnent and trade need to be scrutinised in order to avoid depletion of natural resources and the destruction of Mother Nature for the good of future generations. This book provides a reasonably easy-to read and comprehensive introduction to Trade Law and Enviromnental Law.


  • Shamshina bte Mohamad Hanifa, Sri Yogamalar a/p Sinnathamby
  • ISBN 983-sass-31-5 F155


Sri Yogamalar a/p Sinnathamby is currently attached to the Public P Law Department of the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), IIUM, as an Academic Fellow, lecturing in Professional Practice and I Legal English. Prior to this, she taught English in a government  primary school for about sixteen years. While working, she read law on a part-time basis by way of distance learning with the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. She attained her Certificate in ‘ ‘Legal Practice (CLP) in 1998 and practised law for about three years before pursuing her Master of Comparative Laws (MCL) at IIUM.

Shamshina bte Mohamad Hanifa has been under the employment of IIUM as a law lecturer specializing in the field of Public Intemational Law. Before joining HUM, she was a researcher with Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (SUHAKAM), the Malaysian Human Rights Commission. She completed both her LLB (Hons) and Master of 3 Comparative Laws (MCL) at IIUM.


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