
  • The book is about the study of Islamic law as the greatness of Islam,
    sublimity of its Shariah and the ability of Islamic legal system to
    meet political, administrative and social needs of the people have
    been proven beyond doubt. Adhering to the injunctions of Islam
    became indispensable according to the constitution. If the law
    includes any passage which conflicts with the principles of the
    Shariah, it would be unconstitutional.
    The study of the Islamic law became essential after this provision,
    because all the laws and systems would be derived from it.
    The author has divided this study into two parts, devoting the first
    part to the history and sources of Islamic law, and in the second part
    the author has given the more significant theories of Islamic law.
  • The Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
    Prof Ahmad Hasan
    Islamic Jurisprudence is a highly difiicult, but equally significant
    and useful subject. Though a large number of works on the
    discipline have appeared in Arabic as well as English, a standard
    textbook of Islamic Law is conscious by its absence.
    The author initially started working on such a textbook in a single
    volume several years ago. But soon realising the complexity and
    intricacy of the issue at stake he decided to split up the work into
    four parts:-
    (I) The command of the Shari ’ah.
    (II) The sources of F iqh.
    (III) The principles of interpretation of legal texts:textual
    i implications.
    (IV) Independent legal reasoning (ijtihad) and conformity to
    the recognised legal schools (taqlid).


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