Today as we embark into the 20th century we observe many challenges facing Muslim higher education institutions which has led them lo renaming their position and programme, vis.h-vis others. This examination and review are enuciud tar the survival of these institutions. The on the diu ol the challenges Is globalization and Its accompanying affects which are Inevitable, II is affecting every state and community throughout the world that has access to information and communication technologies. The presence of the email. the Internet, Youtube, facebook, twitters and the latest, WhatsApp has speeded up the Pace of the dissemination of Information and misinformation, These same media has twin partially responsible In mobilisation of the manes such that massive demonstrations than may even lead to revolutions could he galvanised easily as in the case of the Antis Spring and the change of guard in Thailand, These new technologies and their applications on a massive scale have tklinitely changed Ilk landscape of the world. This monograph deals with the issue emerging from globalisation and highlights the attempts made by Muslim higher education Institutions to deal with these issues. Specifically. the issues discussed sue privatisation of education in the Arab world, Internationalisation of education, and cultural diversity in Malaysia. Islamic higher education of Muslim minoriiies in Europe and the United Kingdom. and three different attempts in formulating an integrated higher education in Indonesia and Brunei. In addition to globulismion. there are other critical issues peculiar to the Muslim scholarly tradition. Firstly, the issue of the educational dichotomy of the traditional Islamic Sciences and Ow contemporary acquired sciences such as the hunmiiies, social sciences, inki Ilk natural sciences that has led to the negligence and decline of the latter in tire Muslim world: secondly. the issue of the decline of intellectualism in Muslin; higher education. and thirdly. the issue of academic freedom. This book with chapters written by scholars from various parts of the world analyses each of these issues in depth with the hope to enlighten its readers, Awareness of u problem is the first important step towards solving it. This book will he useful to scholars and modems of higher Islamic education.



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