This book is an English rendering of a popular Arabic book entitled Mushkala al-Faqr wa Kaifa ‘Aljiha al-lslam by the renowned Muslim Scholar ‘Yusüf al-Qardäwi. The author depicts the basic principles of the Islamic Economic System in the light of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah. He also offers a comparative study of the economic systems functioning under the three ideologies viz., Communism, Capitalism and Islam, contrasting them objectively and establishing the superiority of the latter with convincing arguments. Capitalistic and Communistic ideologies, have proven to be lacking in giving mankind the much needed peace and security. These ideologies are rather fatal to the peace and progress of humanity. While the Economic System gifted by Islam, like its laws and orders are relevant to all other social disciplines, can safely be called universal •aw (t works in any kind of society. It is a system of brotherhood and oraal love and affection. It never favours class-struggle and hatred. It Ides real peace, safety and tranquility to mankind.

  • ISBN 978983-43614-9-5

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Yusuf al-Qgradawi He is one of the most prominent contemporary Muslim scholars. Born in Egypt and studied at the renowned A1-Azhar University. Has written more than fifty books, many of which have been translated into Turkish, Persian, Urdu and Malay. He also heads many international Muslim organisations and chairs various advisory boards and committees. In 2004, he also founded the International Union for Muslim Scholars (Dublin), an organisation for Muslim scholars from all over the world and from different schools of Islamic thought.


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