
About the Book

What has happened to our society today? Marriage break down is on the rise; single women are struggling hard from one part- time job to another trying to provide sustenance to her shattered life. Her children are either left out at home watching global media who takes them to fantasy world and teach them how to be violent to others. Or her teenagers who are most of the time out side home exposed to drugs, alcoholism and prostitution. In such depressing environment people are unhappy, angry and frustrated. Even those they are extremely wealthy are living miserable lives because wealth does not provide with them genuine happiness. Youth are committing suicide to end their lives because they are living in spiritual vacuum where there is no purpose in life in a materialist society People are worried about the bleak future ahead of them. Many start to search for the salvation away from the material world to the world of spirit and peace that is Islam. This book addresses critical problems that face our nation and attempts to find a practical solution through Islam.

  • AUTHOR:Dr. Saad A1-Harran
  • ISBN 9B3-ogs-19

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Saad A1-Harran is Business Consultant in Islamic micro- finance enterprise, venture capital, and youth entrepreneurs, New Zealand. He earned a Ph.D. in Economics (with special reference to Islamic Finance) at Durham University, England. He published and edited three books and one journal. These are Islamic Finance (Partnership Financing), Islamic Marketing Strategy, leading Issues in Islamic Banking and Finance (Pelanduk Publications, Malaysia) and Arab Law Quarterly (Islamic Partnership Financing: Concept and Case Studies, Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands.

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