The Preaching oi Islam fit
T.W Arnold
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ISBN: 81-T4135-120-5
Pages : 4:63
Great Personalities in Islam
Comp. Bacir Azimahazii
The complier oi this laoolz has encieavoureci to (iepict the
picture of some very eminent personalities in Islam and
tiescrilaeti what in his judgement can rightly he ascriheci as their
accomplishment in the tielci oi Islamic revival ancl renovation.
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Size: 14.52122 cm.
K Rs. 200/-
Social Philosophy oi Sir Muhammad Iqhal
Dr. Ahciul Aleem Halal
This hoolz rieals with the spirit oi Islamic society, the existent
social orxiers oi the East and the West, the hlenri of faith anti
reason as source oi social progress ot manleinci. The
sociopolitical izieals of Iqhal viz Democracy Vs. Autocracy,
Socialism Vs. Capitalism, Nationalism Vs. Internationalism,
Pan-Islamic Vs. Secularism.
ISBN = s1-7435-065-9,
Pages : 320
Size: 145×22 cm.
Rs. 400/-
ISBN = 81-7435-122-5 Size: 145×22 cm.
Pages : 596
Rs. 250/-
Readings in Islamic Fiscal Policy
D sayezi Atzal Peerzacie
This laoolz is a collection ot seven highly scholarly papers
clealing the most important hranch ot Islamic.
Economics, i.e. Islamic Finance and Policy. A major
ohjective of this hoolz is to nialae availahle in one single volume
a tew major contrihutions of eminen Islamic scholars in the
area of Finance. _
ISBN = s1-:z4ss-016-0 Size: 145×22 cm.
Pages: 147 12.. 150/-
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