
About the Book
This book of Hadith and Hadith Sciences is comprised of two parts. Part one contains a
selection of Hadiths from A1-Adab A1-Mufrad of Imran A1-Bukhari. People have little
knowledge of Hadith Sciences (Ulum Al-Hadith) they have no concept of Usual-e-
Hadith. The second part of this book comprises these Ulum.
Dr. Khalid Mahmood Shaikh obtained his M.A. Eng. & M.A. Arabic from the University
of Punjab. He Got TOEFL from Sydney (Australia) in 1983 and Ph.D. from P.U.
Lahore in 1985. He taught Qura ‘nic and Hadith Science almost a Decade at Da ‘wah Academy, International Islamic University of Islamabad. He has also delivered a series of lectures on Qur’an and Hadith Science during his Official Visits to Australia, Europe and North America, in 1983,1991 and 1992 respectively. He is presently Professor / Director Institute of Islamic Studies, Univeisity of Kashmir (Pakistan)

  • ISBN 1-891540-09-2

About the Book
This book of Hadith and Hadith Sciences is
comprised of two parts. Part one contains a
selection of Hadiths from A1-Adab A1-Mufrad
of Imran A1-Bukhari. People have little
knowledge of Hadith Sciences (Ulum Al-
Hadith) they have no concept of Usual-e-
Hadith. The second part of this book comprises
these Ulum.
Dr. Khalid Mahmood Shaikh obtained his
M.A. Eng. & M.A. Arabic from the University
of Punjab. He Got TOEFL from Sydney
(Australia) in 1983 and Ph.D. from P.U.
Lahore in 1985.
He taught Qura ‘nic and Hadith Science almost
a Decade at Da ‘wah Academy, International
Islamic University of Islamabad. He has also
delivered a series of lectures on Qur’an and
Hadith Science during his Official Visits to
Australia, Europe and North America, in 1983,
1991 and 1992 respectively. He is presently
Professor / Director Institute of Islamic
Studies, Univeisity of Kashmir (Pakistan)


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