Nurul Asyiqin Yusof graduated as a medical doctor from IIUM (MBBS) in 2006 and completed her
training at Hospital Selayang. She joined IIUM in 2008 and pursued her postgraduate studies (MSc in
Human Anatomy (2009) and PhD in Human Anatomy (2014)) at University of Dundee. Scotland. She
is currently an Assistant professor in Anatomy at the Department Of Basic Medical Sciences,
Kulliyyah of Pharmacy. 11tJM Kuantan Campus. Her area of specialization is in human anatomy with
specific interest in microarchitecture of human trabecular bone and its relationship to weight bearing.
Che Anuar Che Mohamad graduated as a medical doctor from IIUM (MBBS) in and completed
his training at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah and Hospital Tengku Fauziah. He joined IIUM in 2008 and
pursued his postgraduate studies (MSc in Human Anatomy (2009)) at University of Dundee and (PhD
in Neuroscience (2014)) at University of Glasgow. Scotland. Aside medicine. he also holds a Diploma
in Islamic Studies from ‘syllabus Scotland. He is currently an Assistant Professor in Anatomy at the
Department of Basic Medical Sciences. Kulliyyah of Pharmacy. 11tJM Kuantan Campus. His area of
specialization is in human anatomy and neuroscience (stem cells and spinal cord injury) with
particular interest in fiqh of medicine and medical ethics.
Ahmad Nizam Hassan graduated from University of Jordan. Amman in Bachelor of Arabic and Its
Literature in 1998. Apart from working as a part-time lecturer at the Quranic Language Department.
Centre for Foundation Studies in IIUM Kuantan Campus. he is also a freelance writer and speaker.
Akmal Khuzairy Abd Rahman. BA (Yarmouk). MA (Leeds). PhD (IIUM) currently is the Director of
Centre for Islamization IIUM and an Associate Professor with the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed
Knowledge and Human Sciences. IIUM. He has been serving IIUM since 1995. HIS field of
specialization is in translation studies and linguistics with research interest in Quranic exegesis and
interpretation. Islamic epistemology and the related disciplines. He is a member of the National
Dakwah Council under VADIM, an accreditation auditor for Malaysian Qualification Agency and an
academic advisor for Diploma and Bachelor Degree for Arabic Language and Translation for a number
of local colleges and universities such as USIM. KUIS and Kolej Yayasan Sofa.
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