About The Book
The history of civilization shows that the concept of the dignity of man and human rights, have always been considered the most critical dimension of the organised life of groups and societies. Even a cursory glance at Qur’an and Sunnah have dealt in depth with nearly every aspect of human rights. Islam is not a piece of spiritual decoration only.
It is a compact and a practical code of life meant to guide men in all areas of organised human existence. Therefore in it, duties,responsibilities, rights and privileges ofthe believer have been listed in great detail. From cradle to grave, at every step there is Divine guidance for him, and in this matter special care has been taken to guarantee all those legitimate right and freedoms which give lustre and richness to an individuals life and enable him to develop his moral and intellectual potentialities to their fullness.

  • Author : Parveen Shaukat Ali

The history of civilization shows that the concept of the dignity of man and human rights, have always been considered the most critical dimension of the organised life of groups and societies. Even a cursory glance at Qur’an and Sunnah have dealt in depth with nearly every aspect of human rights. Islam is not a piece of spiritual decoration only.
It is a compact and a practical code of life meant to guide men in all areas of organised human existence. Therefore in it, duties,responsibilities, rights and privileges ofthe believer have been listed in great detail. From cradle to grave, at every step there is Divine guidance for him, and in this matter special care has been taken to guarantee all those legitimate right and freedoms which give lustre and richness to an individuals life and enable him to develop his moral and intellectual potentialities to their fullness.

  • Author : Parveen Shaukat Ali


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