M. Shahid Ala m’s enterprise* forcing “the legacies of history” into “the daylight of consciousness the West is informed by deep understanding of the cultural and economic history of Islamic and European societies, and of influential contemporary scholarship and debate. The analysis is careful and serious, and will be of considerable value to anyone concerned with the crucial and timely issues that Alam addresses, whether they come to agree with his conclusions or not. — Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, MIT, USA In this original work, Shahid Adam confronts the problem of power with exceptional candor and courage. His is an eminently sane voice that is moral without being squeamish, pragmatic without being defeatist, and Islamic without relinquishing the reins of history. A highly cogent, enlightening and liberating vision of contemporary politics and morality! iwqrr-ir S. Parvez Manzoor, an 7 MAI: I Muslim critic, Sweden face A In the the face of race-baiting, bigotry andOfficial hysteria, M. Shahid Alam offers reason, analysis and genuine compassion for those who have been steamrolled by the imperial machine as it rampages across the globe. This urgent collection of essays proves that clear and courageous writing can still be a powerful force for change. -Jetey St. Clair, Coeditor, CounterPunch.Org – M. Shahid Alam is a truth-teller and powerful writer. Without fear, and in defiance of all attempts to censor him, he explains to us the origins of our present dangerously deteriorating situation. Read these essays and you will come away with a level of awareness that you cannot get from the world’s corporate media. — Lawrence Davidson, Professor of Middle East History, West Chester Uiliesity,pSA

  • ISBN 9831-9541-43-9 11 1,  789839111541434

M. Shahid Alam is Professor of Economics at Northeastern University, Boston. His writings have appeared in leading economics journals, including American Economic Review, Cambridge Journal of Economics and Kyklos; in newspapers and webzines, including CounterPunch.Org, Commondreams.Org, Al-Ahram, Dawn, Holiday, Asia Times and Outlook India; in literary journals, including Chicago Review Marlboro Review and Beloit Poetry Journal. His other works include Poverty from the Wealth of Nations (Macmillan, 2000)


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