

Islamic Jurisprudence addresses the need to educate people by providing a readable book of reasonable size which covers the myriad questions that fall in the jurisdiction of that discipline. It seeks to provide both the lay and specialized readership and especially university students, a handy reader which is simple and lucid. Undoubtedly, ustil al-fiqh is a subject which is replete with subtleties that challenge even the most intelligent minds. It is gratifying that the author has greatly simplified the subject to serve the needs of the non-specialists. The simplification of the subject, however, has gone hand in hand with thoroughness and academic rigour. This work will be a significant addition to the textbooks available on the subject in English.

    lmran Ahsan Khan Nyazee

lmran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, bom in I945, is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Shari’ah and Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He obtained his law degree from Punjab University in I969. In I983, he was awarded a gold medal for his performance in
the LL.M. (SharT’ah) programme by the Intemational Islamic University (Pakistan). In I987, he obtained the LL.M. degree from the University of Michigan Law School, U.S.A. Among his other works are a translation of Ibn Rushd’s well-known book Bidayat al-Mujtahid, Theories of
Islamic Law: The Methodology ofljtihad, Islamic Law o/‘Business Organization: Partnerships, Islamic Law of Business Organization: Corporations and The Concept of Ribci and Islamic Banking.


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