A rare book with historical accuracy, numerical Quranic interpretation, backed with traditions, disclosing amazing facts on the year 2022. What is the relation between Haley’s comet and Israel? What the Qur’an says on the Israeli State? Why the year 2022? When the State of Israel was declared in 1948, a Jewish lady cried. When questioned on the reason behind her crying instead of rejoicing, the Jewish lady replied, “The establishment of this State will bring about the slaughtering of the Jews and the Jewish State will last 76 years!!!” The Author, Mr. Bassam Nihad Jarrar of Ramallah, has beautifully shed lights on the three core verses from the Qur’an to predict the decline of the Jewish State in 2022 AD, by using the miraculous routes of mathematical formulae, traditions and historical facts. Allah says, “So when the second warning came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to disfigure your faces and to enter your Temple as they had entered it before and to visit with destruction all that fell into theirpower”. The first warning occurred after the demise of King Sulaiman (a.s) and a second Israeli state had never existed except in 1948. Thus the second warning has not yet stormed! Allah says, “Twice would they (the Jews) do corruption on earth and be elated with mighty arrogance and twice would they be punished… ” If this prediction had been already fulfilled, then what do you think of the mass slaughtering of the Palestinians, bombarding their land, buildings under the carte-blanche pretext of terrorism are not corruption, barbarism, and mischief? Allah says, “We gave you increase in resources and sons and made you the more numerous in man-power.” Allah says, “But when the second of warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd.” We see now in Israel a powerful military state having the blessing hand of the U.S.A and all the Western countries. We also see the spectacular increase of its population since the Law of the Return was enacted in 1950 re-gathering the scattering Jews from around the world in one SOLID ISRAELI STATE! If the predictions in this book are true, then the Israeli Empire will collapse in year 2022.

  • ISBN 983-065-149-5 9 789830 651491


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