Milestones by Sayyid Quth. “Sayyid Qutb (in) his now-celebrated book, Ma’alimfi’l-tareeq (Milestones) … denounces the existing order in Muslim societies as Jahiliyyahh, provides guidelines for Muslim activists and describes the steps they must take to establish a society based on divine guidance.”

  • AUTHOR: Sayyid Quth

“Sayyid Qutb (is) among the scholars of the Muslims and among the people of da’wah. Allah has brought benefit by (him) and through (him) He has guided many people.” Shaykh Ibn Jibreen, Offce of the Presidency of Islamic Research and Legal Verdicts “Sayyid Qutb (in) his now-celebrated book, Ma’alimfi’l-tareeq (Milestones) … denounces the existing order in Muslim societies as Jahiliyyahh, provides guidelines for Muslim activists and describes the steps they must take to establish a society based on divine guidance.” Zafar Bangash, Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought … We heard that the death sentence … on Imam Shahid Sayyid Qutb … had been carried out … Such a great loss. Sayyid Qutb a man who held fast to his religion, trusting in Allah’s victory. Read Milestones to find out why Sayyid (Qutb) was executed.’ Zainab al-Ghazali Return of the Pharaoh “09.11 Jla 9 789671 015056


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