The current treatise Minhajul Qur’an contains its basic concepts and spells out the essence of his thoughts. He was fully aware of the negative influence of Modern Philosophy on the minds of the new generation of Muslim youth and intellectuals. He has shown in plain language the vain effort made by the different schools of Philosophy in a bid to arrive at the Truth. It must be asserted that anyone taking recourse to Philosophy cannot escape scepticism as its natural outcome. Flhe need and reality of Revelation could only be appreciated once this fact is established and accepted. A _Muslim, according to Dr. Faruqi has a three-tier role to play in his life. As an individual his objective is to become a chosen man. Such individuals then qualify to create an ideal society, which provides a platform for a more cultured pursuit of life. lhe objective of such a society is to uphold its high standards for others to follow and to become a dominating influence in the hearts and minds of people worldwide. triumph of the Qyr’anic Way lies in its resilience against all opposition, be it a temporary nuisance or a permanent hostility. Indeed there are times of great despair, but so long as the community produces Muslims of chosen character and conduct, and the ingredients of an ideal society are preserved from fatal damage, even the greatest enemies of this divine programme will eventually see the light of Truth that it radiates.

  • ISBN 983-065-2

Dr. Burhan Ahmad Faruqi the author of Qyr’anic Way” (Minhajul Qur’an) was born India in 1906. He Avas educated at the Aligarh University where he recé@éd, ehis PhD for his, widely acclaimed thesis on “Mujaddid’s Conception toF$tS*hid”. thesis describes how in the days of tfie Mughal Emperor Akbar/ Shaykh,Ahmad of Sirhind popularly known as MujaddidØlfSani (Reformer of the Millennium) had to fight •a battle on two fronts: one against the deviation of the Emperor from the orthodox teachings Of Islam and the other against the misconceptions about tvahdatul wujud (unity existence) that was current among the majority of the Sufis. Dr. Faruqi’s thesis was published in 1940, and is internationally reputed as the best reference on the subject till today. Dr. Faruqi played an active role i the movement for the independence of Muslims from the British rule. In 1944, under instructions from the Muslim leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah, he worked or the Education Committee for one year. He spent his life in teaching Philosophy Islamic Studies in various Colleges and Universities, Mthich time he wrote many valuable books and articles addressing the Mus)imyouth to return to the Qur’anic Way in order to achieve true success. Ihe central tWémeofall his works is the Qur’anic programme of revolution.


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