
The subject of this treatise – the nature, essence and circumstances of the human soul – is fascinating to people of all ages, faiths and walks of life. It covers in particular the issue of death and what happens after it. Due to the nature of this exciting topic, one who researches this subject is faced with an enormous amount of conflicting information. Therefore in order to arrive at sound dependable conclusions regarding the soul, one must carefully read and analyse the available material and evaluate it according to stringent criteria. This is of utmost importance since it bears directly on one’s belief.

  • YEAR: 2003

About the author
Abu Bilal Mustafa al-Kanadi, was born in Italy in I950. At the age of 4 his family migrated to British Columbia. In I972 he graduated from the University of British Columbia (Faculty of Arts) with a major in English Literature. He went on to study at the Simon Fraser University in the Faculty of Education, concentrating on the field of Special Education, he graduated with honours in I974. It was during his last semester here that he embraced Islam. Having entered the fold of Islam he quickly developed a yearning to seek Islamic knowledge, and this quest lead him to Umm al-Qurra University in Makkah, where he completed the Arabic language program and went on to graduate from the College of Shari?ah after which he obtained a masters degree in Qur’anic Sciences. Abu Bilal has authored a number of works on various subjects and was actively involved in Islamic activities. In I989 he passed away, and with his death, English speaking Muslims lost an important writer and thinker – may Allah have mercy on him.


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