The central focus of the book is on conflict-prevention. After all, if conflicts are prevented at the very outset, violence can be done away with. Amicably negotiating differences before they degenerate into a conflict is, the author suggests, the most sensible way for us to handle conflicts. “In a provocative situation that can escalate into violence between communities one must desist from making one-sided allegations. Instead, one must exercise generosity and willingly acknowledge one’s mistakes.””Conspiracies can be defused and rendered ineffective by responding to them through wisdom, rather than through confrontation.” “No matter how sensitive a situation may get, it can be peacefully resolved. The necessary condition for this is patience.” “Instead of reacting to provocation, one should adopt a positive approach and method. This is the only solution to the problem of violence between communities.”

  • YEAR : 2012
  • ISBN 983-065-184-3

The approach to non-violence and peace-building outlined in this book is based on the Quran and the life of the Prophet Muhammad IS. It draws lessons from these sources that can be applied to efforts to negotiate differences and conflicts at all levels—from between individuals to between communities and entire countries. The central focus of the book is on conflict-prevention. After all, if conflicts are prevented at the very outset, violence can be done away with. Amicably negotiating differences before they degenerate into a conflict is, the author suggests, the most sensible way for us to handle conflicts. “In a provocative situation that can escalate into violence between communities one must desist from making one-sided allegations. Instead, one must exercise generosity and willingly acknowledge one’s mistakes.” “Conspiracies can be defused and rendered ineffective by responding to them through wisdom, rather than through confrontation.” “No matter how sensitive a situation may get, it can be peacefully resolved. The necessary condition for this is patience.” “Instead of reacting to provocation, one should adopt a positive approach and method. This is the only solution to the problem of violence between communities.”


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