“No doubt the most important field of research, relative to the study of Hadith, is the discovery, verification, and evaluation of the smaller collections of Traditions antedating the six canonical collections of al-Bukhari, Muslim and the rest. In this field Dr Azami has done pioneer work of the highest value, and he has done it according to the exact standards of scholarship. The thesis which he presented [in this book], and for which Cambridge conferred on him the degree of Ph. D., is in my opinion one of the most exciting and original investigations in this field of modern times.” Prof A. J. Arberry.

  • AUTHOR: Dr Muhammad Mustafi A‘gami
  • ISBN 983-9154-21-4

The author, Dr Muhammad Mustafi A‘gami, is professor of Science of Hadith at University of Riyadh. His other works are On Schachfs Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence and Studies in Hadiih Methodology and Literature. His forthcoming book on Orientalists and the Qur‘an, to be published (2001) by UK Islamic Academy, exposes the new strategy of the Orientalists to “reform” and “revise” Islam by questioning the veracity of the Qur’an, and shows how the Qur‘an remains fully preserved and protected, as revealed, word by word.


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