The book of Finance by Abu ‘Ubayd al—Qasim b. Salam, The book aims at presenting in a handy and systematic form the fundamentals of Muslim finance

Published by Adams Publishers


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This book is a collection of seven highly scholarly papers dealing withthe mostimportantbranch oflslamic Economics, i.e.,lsIamic Public Finance and Policy. Amajorobjective ofthis bookisto make availablein one single volume a few major contributions of eminent Islamic scholars in the area of Public finance. These scholarly papers can be conveniently used for pursuing further research and breaking new grounds in Islamic Economics.Papers are selected for inclusion in this volume because of their interpretative skill and seminal ideas.These enhance our understanding of the subject and generate interesting Islamic Economics in general and Islamic Public Finance in particular. Even a common reader with no prior knowledge of Economic swould find these papers informative, interesting and highly readable.

lSBN:8l-7435-154-X HB Pages : Vlll+ I47 i996 Rs.l5Ul~

Economic Teachings of Prophet Muhammad: A Select Anthology of Iladith literature on Economics Muhammad Alrram Khan In this book the author has developed a classification system which is closely related to important economic issues. He has then painstakingly culled together ahadith under those headings from authentic sources. This will help researchers in locating references to a particular hadith. More importantly, putting all ahadith relating to a particular economic issue together will also help crystalize thinking on that issue. He is sure this work will prove to be an invaluable addition to the reference material for students, teachers and researchers in the field of Islamic economics. HB PP: X-+335 1992 Rs. 350!- Critical Analysis of Capitalism, Socialism and Islamic Economic Order Syed Muhammad Ismail, B.A., F.I’2.W.A. (London) Being a Muslim the author is prone to religious leanings in his writings; but during his researches in capitalism and socialism he realised that people regard economics as a purely secular subject and they are so allergic to the slightest touch of theology in economic affairs that they would not listen to anybody discussing economic issues in a non-secular fashion. Therefore the author decided to discuss all economic issues in this book in perfectly secular fashion relying solely and exclusively on rationalism and common sense throughout. The past dealing with Islamic economic ideology in also presented so as to help secular economists read and assimilate it with an open unbiased mind. HB PP: XlV+57U 1992 Rs. 800l-

Public Finance in Islam S. A. Siddiqui The book aims at presenting in a handy and systematic form the fundamentals of Muslim finance. The Islamic system outlined here stood firm and was instrumental in evolving a society which was neither capitalistic nor yet socialistic but which combined all the good features of the two.


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