The History of the Khalifahs who took the right way Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti Triq al-khafa is justly famous in Arabic, and rarely out of print. In the original it comprises the histories of all those who have been named as khalifa’ right up to the age in which as-Suyuti himself lived. For this volume Ta-Ha have chosen the luminous chapters on al-khalifa al-Rashidun, ‘The Khalifahs who took the right way’. As-Suyuti uses his vast knowledge of the hadith literature to present the most authentic traditions of these noble men, their governance, and their contributions to that body of practice known as the Sunnah. In this the third edition, we have restored as-Suyuti’s own statement of the sources of each tradition.

  • lSBN l842QO098 “1
  • Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. l I Windsor Grove, West Norwood London, 51527 9NT, UK 0 W842 000084

The Author His name was Abu’l-Fadl °Abd ar-Rahman ]alal ad-Din as-Suyuti. He was born on the night of Saturday the lst of Rajab 849 AH (3rd October 1445 CE.). As-Suyuti mastered most of the traditional studies of his day, particularly those relating to knowledge of hadith, and was the author of more than five hundred works on Qur’an, Sunnah, hadith, fiqh, sirah, and medicine, etc. He is best remembered for his completion of the Ylzfiir ofQur’an known as the falalayn, which had been left incomplete on the death of]alal ad-Din al-Mahalli. He died on Thursday the 18th ofjumada al-Ula, 911 AH (17th October 1505 CE.), may Allah have mercy upon him.


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