THE JEWS-A major flash point on world politics

THE JEWES-A major flash point on world politics




Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal Comment .This book relates almost all the aspects of the Issue of Palestine – the genesis of the problem, the sacrifices the Palestinians have offered during the fight for therr rights, the Arab/lslamic support they have received, besides all the highhanded acts of Israel and assistance it has been in receipt regularly from the West. In the closing chapter the author has cited and discussed varied solutions suggested by the Western writers and Arab statesmen. One more speciality of this publication is that it reproduces statements or tables of facts and figures oftheArab ownership of Palestine since thousands of years besides Biblical maps of Hebrew position in ancient times. The book concludes with the hope that an independent Palestine State will, Inshallah, re-emerge on the map ofthe Arab/lslamic World. CREATION MYSTERY : QURAN ANO SCIENCE SIDOiOUl CREATION MYSTERY : QURAN AND SCIENCE Moid Siddiqui Though many authors have written many books on similar themes, Moid Siddiqui’s present book stands out. It has a different flavour and different outlook. He has not used the scientific jargons and cosmological vocabulary. He has the book in simple language, which can be understood by a common reader with no knowledge of science or cosmology. The author of this book claims that what Holy Qur’an had mentioned more than 1400 years back still holds good and many scientist have mentioned clearly that Qur’an is the word ofGod, beyond on Iota ofdoubt. P.P..•180 ISBN:81-74335-619-3 H.B. 2009 P 10 ISLAM’. MOID SIDDIQU THE WORLD WAKES-UP TO ISLAM ! The Time to Get up from the Slumber Moid Siddiqui The World is waking up to Islam! This book is not prescriptive for preaching Islam; this book is descriptive that describes Islam, as well as the changing trends across the spiritual world. Yesterday, Islam was an ‘ignored religion’ by the courtesy of western propaganda and media, dominated by Jewish people. Truth stands distinct from falsehood! The conspirators stand exposed-today one cannot ignore Islam any more. Islam is a simple religion made complicated by some of its followers. The author felt the need to explain Islam in simple words, and explain certain significant trends. H.B. P.P. :Xix+448 ISBN : 81-7435-590-1 2009 ISBN 81-7435-640-1 7881743 6406 40}50 Adam Publishers & Distributors


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