THE JEWISH PEOPLE-A Quranic perspective

The history of the a Quranic perspective and examines the course the divine bounties. That they were blessed wit, and of history and their rebellious attitudes toward the prophets and the Apostles who were sent down to guide them. to…that of Allah (SWT). It further deals, in detail, with al ever}? l have significant relevance in the history of the Children of isreal including special favours of Allah (SWT) upon them reason why they were declared to be a .”_chosen people forha cer aig period, and what were the superstitions and rebelling t at turned them to be a “cursed people”. furthermore, this work offers an in-depth discussion about … that Were prescribed by Allah (SWT), In the Qur an» 35 a ’65“ t of their disobedience to Allah (SWT)l’ various Prophets (PBUTH) Abraham to (PBUT). It also compares those events narrated in their scriptures (Old and New Testa in the Qur’an. One of the salient features of this book w‘hile analyzing the way in which Qur’an addresses them .highlights the focal point of the Qur’anic dialogue with them and the Qur’anic perception of the Jews community, in particular, and Christian, in general. Likewise, it investigates further why the Makkan Suras (verses) of the Glorious Qur’an do not reflect hatred or hostility toward the Jews, whereas in the Madanise Suras (verses) direct encounters between the Jews and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are established in relation to all religious, social and political issues. Finally, the book contains answers to such crucial questions: Can Islam and Judaism co-exist, vis-a-vis in one place? Does Islam teach hatred against the Jews? Why do the Jews hate the Muslims? What were the reasons that led Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to order the Jews to leave the very first Islamic state of Madinah? Did he order so as a matter of religious decree or it was a political verdict? How can Palestinians restore their usurped lands? Should we differentiate between the Jews and the Zionists? Why were the Muslims defeated, and why were the Jews victorious in the past? Does religious spirit play a role in wining or losing a war?



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