
About The Book The present book is focused on command of the . Shari’ah (legal command, juridical norm). The aim of the present work is to enable the reader to view Islamic Jurisprudence from within. This lends the present work a flavour of its own. The elaborate details, namely definition, classification, and illustrations of legal command, subject-matter and subject of legal command, the questions of legal obligation and legal capacity and other related problems, placed by the author before the reader in his attempt to explain Islamic Jurisprudence bring to light the wealth of diversity found in Islamic juristic scholarship. This material will also give some idea of intellectual depth, rigour and finesse which characterize traditional Islamic scholarship. The author, Prof. Ahmad Hasan was born in I932 in Sironj (Tonk State, India). He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in Arabic from the University of Karachi. At present he is Professor in the Islamic research institute International Islamic University, Islamabad. AUTHUR: Ahmed Hassan ISBN 181-7435-U29-2 PUBLISHER: ADAM PUBLISHEER

SIMILAR BOOKS An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law Dr. Hussain Hamid Hasan The book is about the study of Islamic law as the greatness of Islam, sublimity of its Shariah and the ability o Islamic legal system to meet political, administrative and social needs of the people have been proven beyond doubt. Adhering to the injunctions of Islam became indispensable according to the constitution. If the law includes any passage which conflicts with the principles of the Sharialr, it would be unconstitutional. The study of the Islamic law became essential after this provision, because all the laws and systems would be derived from it. The author has divided this study into two parts, devoting the first pan to the history and sources of Islamic law, and in the second part the author has given the more significant theories of Islamic law. ISBN : Bl-7435-415-8 Size: 23x36Il6 PP. : XII-496 2007 Analogical Reasoning In Islamic Jurisprudence (A Study of the Juridical Principle of (liyas) Prof. Ahmad Hasan fliyas (analogy) is one of the four sources of Islamic law. Unlike other modes of Ijtiliad, it is a process of systematic reasoning to discover the legal rule. It is dependent entirely on an authority, which may be the llui’ an, Sunnall or fima. It is the most important principle of deriving rules from the original sources. Most of the legal material contained in the Fir]/I literature is an outcome of analogical deductions. This study falls into 20 chapters. It deals with the concept, rules, and application of lliyas (analogy) in law. The early chaptfi contain a general treatment of this principle. They are followed by the chapters which present a detai I analysis of the definition of Uiyas (analogy), the original and the parallel case, the definition and conditim-self [the legal cause /’i/la/1,‘ and the methods of its determination. The principle of istihsan (preferential mmediate cause {sabab/, condition /shart/, impediment (man/7 and critique of Oiyas of the

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