OTHER BOOKS AND ARTICLES The Quranic Concept Of War Brigadier S. Malik The book begins with a description of the historical, political as well as Quranic pers-pective to the fotmation of the hdluslim Ummah. It then spells out the mission, role and characteristics of the New State within the framework of which it analyses the divine concept ofwar. In this context, it dwells on the permissible causes of war; its object, nature, dimensions and ethics. This is followed by a discussion on the Quranic concept of total and military strategy, and the divine rules and principles for the conduct of wars. ISBN:81-7435-079-9 HB Pages:180 Qurlanic wÄR ETERNAL VALUE A1-Qur’an Divine Book of Eternal Value Prof Z. Ahmed The book is a unique compendium of knowledge on the subject of the Qur’an and Islam. Besicies explaining the practical obligations laid down by Islam, the author has also shed the pertinent light on the spirit, the ideas and the philosophy of the final religion of mankind. Most of the salient issues and aspects of Islam in ttni5 book are covered meticulously to the best use of its readers. HB PP•.XVl+306 Communicative Dimensions of Qur’anic Translations Dr. A. R. Fatihi, Dr. A. m Sheikh & m S. Azmi The authors have tried their best to conduct a comparative study of the translations of the Surah A1-Fatiha in English, Bangla, Urdu and Kashmiri languages. It’s short history of the translations of the Qur’an in several languages. ISBN•.81-7435-298-8 PB PP•.X+156 0 81-7435-007-1 788174 350077 Aijazul-Quran : Qur’an the everlasting miracle of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) Dr. Rafiq Ahmad The objective behind this book is to acquaint the readers with the infinite morals of the Holy Qur’an up to the utmost extent of the writer’s approach. Like Allah, whose Attributes and Powers are infinite, Qur’an the book of Allah is also replete with fathomless miracles. Though the topic has already been covered in other books of this kind, more of them are written in Arabic which remain confined to Arabic knowing readers. ISBN:81-7435-235-X PB PP:XlV+218 ADAM PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS 1542, Pataudi House, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 Phone: 011-23282550, 23284740, Fax: 011- 23267510 E-mail: apd@bol.net.in www.adambooks.in


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