
When the sun is rising in the West, it is bad news for many as it hears this the beginning of the Day of Judgment.e But when the sun of Islam rises in ‘the West, it.heralds more tight and warmth. This volume contains not only accounts by “reverts” to Islam, but also useful information and reférenceé. May Allah (subhana/yu wa ta’ala) reward the authors and all who contributed to the interesting and lively volume. Jamal Badawi Islamic Information Foundation Halifax, Canada The future 06 Islam in America will depend on how well American-born Muslims — African-American, Euro-American (includ’ing Hispanic), and Native American — can develop leadership within the overall Muslim Community or Ummah. Sister Muiaffar has an intense. misston to support the new Muslims in America.. She has prepared the first half of this boxok to acquaint th%new Muslims, with others who are embarked on thisidemandilg new •life and with whom they CAn share their joy in Islam. In the second half,’ Sister Bet Bowman Frovides invaluable shor,t expositions oc the basics ef Islam.

  • ISBN 0-915957-92-2

Dr. RÖbert D. Crane Foreign Advisor to Richard•Ni-xon In the Muslim Ummah, we Muslims.being swept away by the tide of a culture devoid of morality and God-consciousn•ess. In Western cOunfries, Islam is the.fastést growing religion and is establishing roots and sincerity: It’ is here in the West that the Qur’an has become the prism through’ Which’people are seeifig the ultimate truth,.wisdom, and spirituality. The Sun is Rising in the Wes} shows a glimpse of the light of Islam breaking through the darKness of unconscious virtue. Muzaffar Haleem Author • There are Muslims in the United Ståtes, where Islam is spiritual void with purpose, guidanse, discipline, and suppoi•t, eépecially to new Muslinis who will certainly welcome this inspirin•g and éd’ucational book. Muzaffar Haleem eriligrated to-the United States from Pakistan in 1980. with her husband. She is active in various Muslim community projects. She lives in Los Angeles with eåer three sons, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren. Betty (Batul)• Bowman converted to Islam in 1993 after reading over 1,000 books in her search for the truth. She has a background in business •administration, computer sciences, and legal secretarial. Her major interest is developing •materials for new Muslims. amana publications


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