WHY AN ISLAMIC STATE-The life Projects of two European Muslims


Muharnmad Asad (1900-1902), the Jewish convert to Islam who rose to fame with his autobiographical work, The road to mecca, and Alija Izetbegovic (1925-2()()3), the Bosnian leåder during the Balkan wars Of the 1990s, were Inen imbued in spiritualizing and moralising,force that translated into activitism. [Orce that translated into intellecttlal journeys inspire a younger Muslinms, who look to religion not just as a phenolnenon, but as a paradigm withm its own norms its the project of an Islamic state.

  • AUTHOR: Dr M A Sherif
  • ISBN 978-967-5062-39-1

Dr M A Sherif, a systelns analyst by profession, was born in Geneva and resides in London. Ile has been active in British Muslirn affair€, servino- as General Secretary of the Federation of’ the Students Islarnic Societies (F()SIS), editor of its Inagazine The alluslim,. as well as a Inenlber of the Inanaoino• conunittee of the School it ‘vvas [k)ttnded bv Yusuf Islanl in 1983. Ile the Muslinl Council 01 Britain (MCB) in 1997, and and I)octnnentation Conunittee. He delivered the Ali Mernorgål Lecture oroanised bv Islanlic Book “l*rust in I)eceinbei.’ on the theine ‘Circurnstance, Inner Light and Htunan Agencif5’±refiections on the lilé and tillies 01′ Allanva Yusuf Ali 1872-1953′. researching the history of’ London-based Muslin) political activislll, and IS an editor of the British Muslinf . mternet portal (IBT, is the Ilis book Searching [or Solace detailed biography on the life 01′ Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the translator of the Qur’an.

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