
The purpose of this series, Enter into Islam Completely, is to present some unfairly belittled issues, prove their value, and discuss their regulations. This book presents the correct Islamic regulations for various menses- related issues. When these regulations are properly understood and correctly implemented, they make it easy for a woman to conduct her near-illness menstrual period in a smooth and balanced manner. We also discuss the three prohibitions that have been conventionally imposed on women during their menses: reciting Qur’an, touching Qur’an, and entering a masjid. We refute these prohibitions with clear evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah. This book, we hope, will guide many Muslim women toward a more healthy, practical, and spiritual life during menses. May AllahGf.) grant us guidance and facilitation. NO: 189122994-X

  • YEAR 2007
  • ISBN 978-967-5699-28-3

Islam is the sublime and perfect religion that Allah, the Most Wise eic.,), revealed for our good in all of our affairs. We may not neglect any part of it, claiming that it is small or unimportant. People who do this deprive themselves from part of Islam’s grandeur and end up neglecting acts of worship and traits of good manners, thereby approving wrong and rejecting good without knowledge. Allah (A;,-::,) commands us to adhere to Islam in its totality: 0 you who believe, enter into Islam completely, and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. Indeed, he is your clear enemy.» [AI-Bagarah 2:208] The purpose of this series, Enter into Islam Completely, is to present some unfairly belittled issues, prove their value, and discuss their regulations. This book presents the correct Islamic regulations for various menses- related issues. When these regulations are properly understood and correctly implemented, they make it easy for a woman to conduct her near-illness menstrual period in a smooth and balanced manner. We also discuss the three prohibitions that have been conventionally imposed on women during their menses: reciting Qur’an, touching Qur’an, and entering a masjid. We refute these prohibitions with clear evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah. This book, we hope, will guide many Muslim women toward a more healthy, practical, and spiritual life during menses. May AllahGf.) grant us guidance and facilitation. ISBN 189122994-X


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