Principles and Issues

Many books have been written on the principles of curriculum. its foundations, theories. designs. practices and issues. Elms ever. these curriculum foundations and theories are largely based on Western ideas about knowledge whose foundation is liberal and secular. Although knowledge has been variously classified by great Muslim scholars, there is a dearth of curriculum texts based on the Islamic epistemological framework. This book was written to fill this vacuum. The first part discusses the principles and philosophical foundations of an Islamic education curriculum, and then moves on to deal with the problems of liberal and secular education, focusing specifically on dualistic educational systems that have beleaguered Muslim nations worldwide. As a resolution• several curriculum models of higher education are examined. The second part examines the issues with traditional teaching methods applied in Muslim education in light of globalization. The curriculum of teacher education and Islamic Studies programs are evaluated. The third part discusses the necessity of reclaiming Islam’s pragmatism and reviving philosophy and philosophical inquiry in Islamic education as a prerequisite for the advancement of critical and creative thinking. Finally, the fourth part examines in depth the identity issues affecting Muslims as minorities in multicultural settings. and the nature and role of women education vis-a-vis men education. The objectives of the book will have been attained if readers reach a better understanding of the principles and issues, and arc moved to act and transform Islamic education.

  • AUTHOR: Rusnani Hashim 
  • ISBN: 978-967-491-004-4

Rusnani Hashim is Professor of Educational Foundations at the Faculty of Education. International Islamic University Malaysia (HUM), which she headed as its former Dean. She has a PhD in Social Foundations of Education from the University of Florida in the United States. Her areas of specialization are Islamic Education (History. Philosophy and Curriculum). Mathematics Education and the Pedagogy of Philosophical Inquiry. She has extensive practical experiences as a teacher. an academic administrator, a School Board Director. a teaching practicum supervisor. and a mathematics and Islamic Education curriculum designer and reviewer for the Ministry of Education. Presently. she is the Director of the Center for Teaching Thinking (C TI), HUM and the Editor-in-Chief for the HUM Journal of Educational Studies. Her works include Educational dualism in Malaysia (Oxford. 1996). Reclaiming the Conversation: Islamic Intellectual Tradition in the Malay Archipelago (The Other Press. 2010) and an edited work with S. Naji, History, Theory and Practice ref Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives (Routledge. 2017).


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