GOOD GOVERNANCE -A Critical Introduction

Governance is both a very new and very old subject in political science. It marks a return to the conception of political study organized around key words like constitution, government, polity, politics and other related themes. While •Good Governance’
agenda as introduced by Bretton Woods’ institutions according to the Washington
Consensus is a result of conventional developmental theories, and represents the
contemporary kernel of truth on how to develop. “Ihis small book aims to bring to the
readers a general conceptual idea of Good Governance as part of Washington Consen-
products and to understand critics launched against it from different point of views.
Ibis small effort is dedicated to the beginners who are trying to understand the basic
idea of Good Governance from a holistic point of view and from its bigger picture.
Dr Maszlee Malik, graduated his studies at Jordan in 1994. He is an undergraduate in
the field offiqh and usul fiqh at al-Bayt University, Jordan and holds a master’s degree
in the same field from the University of Malaya. He obtained his doctorate degree
(PhD) in the United Kingdom in Political Science. Maszlee also experienced teaching
at Durham the years 2008-9. He was also invited to be a guest speaker for
SOAS summer school on ‘Political Islam’ for the two consecutive years of 2009-2010
for the topic ‘Political Islamic Movements in South-East Asia’. He posses vast experi-
ence doing NGO charity works in Lebanon and Jordan since the year 2004, that gave
him a myriad of experience in dealing with political literatures in Arabic language and
the political situation in the Middle East. Furthermore, Maszlee is also frequently
invited as guest speaker by many Malaysian media to talk on the issues relate to Politi-
cal Islam, Middle Eastern Politics and Arab Spring. Currently holding the post of
assistant professor in the Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences
at the International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. His research area is in
Islamic jurisprudence, Contemporary Islamic Political ‘thoughts and Movements and
Good Governance.

  • IIUM Press
  • ISBN 9679784183475


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